Digilent Inc
Digilent Inc., a National Instruments company, is a leader in the design, manufacture and worldwide distribution of FPGA development boards and Test and Measurement devices for both industry and education. Since our founding in 2000, Digilent has partnered with different leading semiconductor companies including Xilinx, Microchip, Analog Devices, ISSI and Texas Instruments to bring products with the latest embedded & electronics technology. Our expert team of engineers, combined with our manufacturing services and worldwide distribution has made us an ideal partner for several leading technology providers. We want to enable our partners to be successful through well designed, high quality and well manufactured hardware.
49 Projects
Creating A Arduino Powered Wizard Staff!

Control Stepper Motor Using Edp Stepper Component - Visuino

Control Light On/off Via Sms With Sim900 Module - Visuino

$50 Diy Ai Smart Coop

Overhead Tank Water Level Monitoring Using Blues Notecard

A Smart Hiking Stick For The Visually Impaired

Send Sms Using Sim900 Gsm Shield & Arduino - Visuino Tutoria

Send Temperature & Humidity Sms Every Minute To Your Phone -

Alternative Wii Controller

Control Stepper Motor Nema17 - Custom Code In Visuino Pro

Teensy Board & Nextion Display - Control Led On-off

Make A Phone Call Using The Sim900 Gsm Shield & Visuino

How To Control Stepper Motor With Joystick Using Arduino

Control Two Stepper Motors Using Rotary Encoder Sensor & Ard

Subscriber Counter That Shoots Fireballs!!

Get Stepper Motor Positions From Sd Card

Move Stepper Motor Nema 17 To An Exact Position With Button